Uniqid() – The easiest way to generate unique words

I have seen many PHP developers still use rand() for generating security tokens/unique strings, mostly for generating validation strings such as Email validation etc rand() is a security hazard and should never be used to generate a security token. However, there is another function mt_rand() which generates a better random value. What if you want…Continue reading Uniqid() – The easiest way to generate unique words

Credit Cards In India :- How To Get It & Which Is Better ?

Notice: Outdated Information. The information published here is outdated as of 10 March, 2014. This question was so popular when PayPal stopped permitting Indian users to do online transactions using the balance in their PayPal account. Many of us, including me, contacted banks for getting credit cards as this was the only option for making…Continue reading Credit Cards In India :- How To Get It & Which Is Better ?