Setup graylog locally on Windows/Linux/Mac

Here is the quickest way to deploy a development version of the Graylog instance locally on your desktop machine. Prerequisites Depending on your environment, you will have to install Docker Once installed, run these commands and you will have a fully working graylog running locally at Default username/password is admin/admin Expose additional ports By…Continue reading Setup graylog locally on Windows/Linux/Mac

Automatically update running docker container with the latest image

Watchtower is an open-source tool that scans the running container and restarts those containers with the same parameters if it detects a newer version in the repository. It supports public such as docker hub and private repositories such as Azure Container Repository or AWS ECR By default, Watchtower monitors all the container, but most of…Continue reading Automatically update running docker container with the latest image

Automated MongoDB backup on Docker Swarm and save on AWS S3

AWS doesn’t have a PaaS service offering for MongoDB at the moment. So it is the DevOps’s responsibility to maintain their own backups of the production MongoDB databases. So I’ve developed a custom script that makes use of Docker containers to deploy a backup container. This script will generate backup in specified intervals and upload…Continue reading Automated MongoDB backup on Docker Swarm and save on AWS S3

Cronjobs in distributed environments – Cronlock using NFS/External mount

Have you ever in a situation where you have multiple backend servers and your cronjob is scheduled in one server and it didn’t run when that server went down OR you have a Docker Swam based cluster where you have several worker nodes and you do not want the cronjob to execute more than once…Continue reading Cronjobs in distributed environments – Cronlock using NFS/External mount

Docker Engine – Install a fixed version on Ubuntu

Containerization is everywhere. Docker is the name that comes to our mind when we talk about containers. Is the latest version of the docker the greatest? I’ve been using docker containers, especially docker swarm mode, for over a couple of years now and I’d say no! Docker is still being actively developed. With that being…Continue reading Docker Engine – Install a fixed version on Ubuntu

Monitor Apache using monit

Monit is a small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. Installing monit on CentOS 7 yum install epel-release -y yum install monit -y Once installed, save the following in /etc/monit.d/apache check process httpd with pidfile /var/run/httpd/ group…Continue reading Monitor Apache using monit