Docker Engine – Install a fixed version on Ubuntu

Containerization is everywhere. Docker is the name that comes to our mind when we talk about containers. Is the latest version of the docker the greatest? I’ve been using docker containers, especially docker swarm mode, for over a couple of years now and I’d say no!

Docker is still being actively developed. With that being said, it is still being used in Production in many small and large organization. The company I work for, adopted Docker and we encountered several issues during the transition to containers and we then stopped deploying the latest version on all new servers, instead of this, we are sticking with a version we find most stable to our use cases. Then revisit the new versions every once in a while and test it on lower environments (Dev, INT, UAT) before we promote it to production.

Below is what we use for installing docker on a vanilla Ubuntu 16 release

apt-get -y update
apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-virtual apt-transport-https && curl -fsSL |  apt-key add -
add-apt-repository \
           "deb \
           ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs) \
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y docker-engine=17.04.0~ce-0~ubuntu-xenial

At the time of writing, docker has released 18.xx version.

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