I was searching on the internet for latest news, suddenly I got this website in which the owner discussed an application developed in Google Docs that will help us to get alerts on both Email and SMS free of cost.
Yes, you read it correctly, It’s FREE. The service is free because it’s being offered by Google. All you have to do is to make the copy of the Spreadsheet in your Google Docs and enter your domains and email address. The script would execute continuously and will inform you if your websites go down. The script uses the Mobile Phone number associated with your Google Profile and instruct Google to send an SMS to your mobile phone. I have tested this script and it’s working great. I am receiving alerts on my Mobile Phone when my websites are down.
The original article can be found HERE
Real-time Website Monitor with Text Alerts
- Click here to create a personal copy of the Website Monitor HD sheet in your own Google Docs account.
- You’ll see a new Website Monitor menu in the toolbar. Click Initialize and you’ll get a pop-up asking for authorization. Just say Yes.
- Put your Website URLs in cell B2 (comma separated) and your email address in cell B3.
- Go to the Website Monitor menu again and choose “Start Monitoringâ€.
That’s it. Close the Google Docs sheet and it will monitor your sites in the background. If you do not wish to receive SMS alerts, simply change the value of cell B4 from Yes to No.
The full source code of the project is available at ctrlq.org – no one else has access to your data and you can disable the script anytime by setting the email address in cell B3 to blank.
Seems interesting isn’t it ? Well, just let me know.
ty buddy
can Itrust the programme? anybody can access my personal info like password??